Friday, February 17, 2012

A Christian Worldview the result of the Christian work of being salt and light

If only the Lord might give us revival across the nation it wouldn't be long before a Christian worldview was reconstructed. There's always a question how much can be accomplished by purely intellectual means -- even through the sanctified intellect of born-again Christians. But we ARE to be salt and light to the culture so it's hard to go along with some who advocate just leaving it all alone while these worldly and pagan views that are dominating the world today are not only bringing about God's judgments on this earth but dragging millions to a hellish eternity. At the very least there are Christians who are saved but who nevertheless accept ideas that contradict a Christian worldview, and it has to be important to shine some light on that problem.

I've been reading in an older book about Christian Worldview, 7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave by Dave Breese, which discusses the effect of seven thinkers on today's cultural climate: Darwin of course, Marx of course, Julius Wellhausen, Freud, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, and Soren Kierkegaard. Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend has also written a book, Grave Influence, that uses much of Breese's thinking and expands the list of influential anti-Christians to 21, and I suppose more could be added.

Christians just ARE influenced by the thinking of such men as it's been diffused throughout the culture over the last century or so. I don't think we can ignore it and hope to say anything very effective against it. I guess we could take the position that our job is simply to make spiritually strong Christians, hope for revival, and leave the culture to itself. Breese on the other hand wants to see Christians become educated to answer the culture, although in the following example revival played a big part:
History teaches us that a single strong voice for God in a leaderless generation can be effective. Historians agree that the revivals of John and Charles Wesley in England did save England from the terrors of the French Revolution. Surely the single voice of Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms liberated northern Germany, then England, then major portions of the world from incarceration behind the purple curtain of Rome. Liberalism in America was impeded in some places and stopped outright in others by simple fundamentalist preachers who spoke strongly for the truth of God.[p.230]
He believes that all of us need to be educated for this purpose:
Lenin himself, speaking of the Communist revolution in Russia, said that it could have been defeated by a hundred purposeful people in St. Petersburg who knew what they were doing. One effective debater, or even an intelligent Christian conversationalist, might have stopped Rousseau and his nonsensical arguments in one evening in the salons of Paris. By so doing, he might have prevented the French Revolution.
Keynesian economics, with its assertion that government is God, might have died aborning had there been a Christian position on government and global economics ready to meet it.[231]
Let is also note that the anti-Christian tides of thought prevailed in no small measure because the church had lost even its own message. Across the world Christians are often remiss, not only in not presenting position papers on global problems but also in not presenting the gospel.[231]

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