Just another evil day in the revisionist mutilation of the First Amendment and the Supreme Court's power-grabbing overthrow of the Constitution's notion of checks and balances. The father of the dead soldier would make a better Justice:
Snyder's reaction, at a news conference in York, Pa.: "My first thought was, eight justices don't have the common sense God gave a goat." He added, "We found out today we can no longer bury our dead in this country with dignity."Not even the common sense of a goat, Mr. Snyder, you got it.
An event like this one just makes for another resounding "YES!" to the title of my blog. Getting later all the time.
Duh. Do I have to explain? Oh probably. The First Amendment was meant to protect CITIZENS against GOVERNMENT -- as most of the Constitution was intended to do. Here we have a ruling supposedly on the basis of the First Amendment that officially justifies harassment of a private citizen, a ruling that in effect SUPPORTS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR OF ONE CITIZEN AGAINST ANOTHER.
Listen, we just need to face it. There is no more America.